First-ever graduate of the University of Groningen-Universidad de Chile Joint Doctoral Program (JDP) in Biomedical Sciences: Arturo Elías Llumbet

First Joint Doctoral Program graduate with Universidad de Chile!

We are extremely happy to announce the PhD thesis defense by the first ever graduate of the University of GroningenUniversidad de Chile Joint Doctoral Program (JDP) in Biomedical Sciences: Arturo Elías Llumbet.

The JDP is a major achievement in the collaboration between the UMCG research and the Facultad de Medicina at Universidad de Chile. Seven students have enrolled since the program’s inception in 2021, with Arturo being the first.

It is not easy to complete the degree requirements at two institutions. We want to recognize the incredible effort of Arturo, who successfully navigated this process and made the collaboration with both his supervisors Romana Schirhagl and Dr Marcia Manterola a success.

Arturo’s thesis is entitled: Versatility of fluorescent nanodiamonds as free radical quantum sensors: from arthritis and metastasis to potential applications in heart diseases.” It contributes to understanding free radical biology and expands the applications of diamond-based quantum sensing in biomedical research, offering insights into diseases associated with oxidative stress.

We are not just proud of Arturo’s completion of his PhD trajectory, but of what it represents for both universities. The JDP is considered a major milestone in the collaboration, and a step forward from already existing co-supervised doctoral trajectories. Admission and evaluation committees throughout the trajectory include representatives of both institutions.

We would like to specifically also thank the colleagues at UChile who made this possible, in particular Dean Miguel ORyan who has been with us from the start, and academic director Lisette Leyton. The journey has not been easy and Arturo being the first candidate to enroll has faced several challenges that needed resolving along the way.

We would like to both congratulate and thank him for helping us pave a smoother pathway for other JDP students. We wish Arturo all the best in his future endeavors! University of Groningen Alumni.

For more information on Arturo’s thesis:

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First-ever graduate of the University of Groningen-Universidad de Chile Joint Doctoral Program (JDP) in Biomedical Sciences: Arturo Elías Llumbet

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